Human Needs and Motivation

Human Needs and Motivation

EPISODE 38  HUMAN MOTIVATION AND NEEDS:mASLOW’S hIERARCHY IN TACTICS AND LEADERSHIP Some time ago, a psychologist named Abraham Maslow wrote up a list of human needs in roughly the order people need to satisfy them: food and water at the bottom of the pyramid,...
1993 Waco Standoff

1993 Waco Standoff

EPISODE 37 1993 wACO STANDOFF WITH THE BRANCH DAVIDIANS A federal weapons investigation into a doomsday cult known as the Branch Davidians, formed by a guy name David Koresh, led to a 51-day standoff that resulted in the death of 75 people and at least 4 Federal...

Spheres of Influence

FAST TRANSIENTS THE TACTICAL TANGENTS BULLETIN SPHERES OF INFLUENCE I was at an instructor conference last week and it occurred to me that police trainers everywhere have a lot in common: Our purpose, passion, and philosophy are often in sync, and we face similar...

Backup Guns, Yay or Nay?

FAST TRANSIENTS THE TACTICAL TANGENTS BULLETIN BACKUP GUNS: YAY OR NAY? Back in the day, I carried a secondary gun at work because, well, I guess I hadn’t really thought about why—I just did. Maybe I’d get separated from my primary, or at least be in a fight over it,...
Drunken War Stories with the Danimal

Drunken War Stories with the Danimal

EPISODE 36 DRUNKEN WAR STORIES WITH THE DANIMAL Leadership, Football, Tactics and Coaching LANGUAGE WARNING! This episode is NOT safe for work! Uncle Dan likes Jack Daniels and he’s had a little bit to drink so we’re gonna drag some war stories out of him and have a...