You Have Questions, We Have Answers

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

EPISODE 128 You have questions, we have answers For the first episode of the New Year, Mike and Jim tap one of the podcast’s most important resources: You, the listeners! We asked the members of the Tactical Tangents Facebook Discussion Group for a list of questions,...
Getting the Band Together

Getting the Band Together

EPISODE 127 Getting the Band together The A-Team couldn’t have pulled off a caper with four B.A. Baracuses , U2 never would have been a hit with four Bonos, and nine Legolases couldn’t have gotten the One Ring to Mordor. Putting together a good team is about more than...
The Inner Game of Thriving

The Inner Game of Thriving

EPISODE 126 The inner game of thriving In this episode, Mike sits down for a discussion with Ross Hick. In addition to his career supervising violent felons as a Probation Surveillance Officer, Ross works as a trainer with Citizens Defense Research. One of his...
No Shi…Kidding, There I was…

No Shi…Kidding, There I was…

EPISODE 125 No Shi…Kidding, there i was… Nobody wants to put on a show that’s all war stories. It sounds like you’re trying to fluff your resume and can bore others who’ve also been there and done that. Plus you don’t want to talk out of school. At the...
Symphony of Terror

Symphony of Terror

EPISODE 124 symphony of terror   For all its chaos, the stereotypical active shooter situation is fairly straightforward: There’s a bad guy killing people, and the good guys need to close with him and stop him as quickly as possible. The events of November 2008...