The Big Ideas: What We’re All About

The Big Ideas: What We’re All About

EPISODE 120 The Big Ideas: What We’re All About What are we doing here and why are we doing it? With an assist from Mike, Jim lays out the secret; the keys to the whole mission of Tactical Tangents. These are the key concepts to helping the Doers do things...
Instant Expertise (just add experience)

Instant Expertise (just add experience)

EPISODE 119 Instant expertise(just add experience) It’s easy to find yourself thrust into a position where others regard you as an ”expert”, but what really constitutes expertise? Do you have it? Can it be acquired? When will you feel like you have it? (And why...
A War Waged Against Dallas PD

A War Waged Against Dallas PD

EPISODE 118 A war waged against dallas pd   A lone gunman killed 5 Dallas police officers and wounded several others in this 2016 attack following a series of contested officer involved shootings throughout the country. Lessons include ambush and counter-ambush...