Kevin Briggs, The Guardian of the Golden Gate

Kevin Briggs, The Guardian of the Golden Gate

EPISODE 27 Guardian of the Golden Gate Kevin Briggs, retired CHP Sergeant, the Guardian of the Golden Gate Kevin Briggs is a retired California Highway Patrol Sergeant who has been called the Guardian of the Golden Gate for his reputation interacting with hundreds of...
The Final Mission of Extortion 17

The Final Mission of Extortion 17

EPISODE 26 The FINAL MISSION OF “eXTORTION 17” Author and war reporter joins Jim and Mike and discuss Extortion 17 and its final mission Ed Darack is an author and war reporter who has embedded with US forces in Afghanistan and written a couple books about...
Being Effective At Work

Being Effective At Work

EPISODE 35 BeING EFFECTIVE AT WORK Bureaucracy and organizational politics This might sound a little boring, but let’s face it: Trying to get stuff done when you’re dealing with your bosses is a skill of its own. Some people are better at it than others. We discuss...
Problem Solving and Tactics Development

Problem Solving and Tactics Development

EPISODE 24  PROBLEM SOLVING AND TACTICS DEVELOPMENT Tactics is chess, not checkers What is a tactic? How do we come up with them? The word tactical is one of those buzzwords we throw around, but what does it all mean? We are going to talk about how people apply...
On Leadership, Vol. 1

On Leadership, Vol. 1

EPISODE 23 On leadershIp, Volume 1 Mike and Jim discuss the differences between a boss, manager, and leader, styles of leadership and how they affect a team or organization. We’ll cover things like establishing social norms and how close or distant leaders should...
Andy Brown, Warnings Unheeded

Andy Brown, Warnings Unheeded

EPISODE 22 WarnINGS UNHEEDED:tWIN TRAGEDIES AT FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE We interviewed Andy Brown, the author of Warnings Unheeded, to discuss his role in stopping an active shooter with an AK47 by shooting him in the head from 68 yards away with his pistol. We cover...