Never Quit: In honor of A1c Ken Sturgill
Heat Related Injuries and USAF SERE Training

This episode is dedicated to Airman First Class Kenneth “K3” Sturgill, an Air Force SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) Specialist Trainee who perished in training as a result of heat stroke.
K3’s father, K2, shares some stories about his childhood and the man he was. We learn about the mishap and what steps the Air Force is taking to prevent this sort of thing in the future. To wrap up, Mike and Jim talk a little about heat stress and how to mitigate heat related injuries in training and operational environments.
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Intro music credit Bensound.com

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Thank you so much for covering this topic and continuing the legacy of K3 and his lessons to all of us. I am also a graduate of PJOC but also am a close friend of the Sturgill family. K3 was an amazing role model to every person young or old that he had contact with. Sharing his story continues his reach at touching lives and helping others.
It was our pleasure. Thanks for reaching out.
I’m a SERE Specialist and a PJOC instructor when able. I’ve met K2 and his wife and I hope they continue to keep his memory alive. He would have been a great brother to work with. Also thanks guys for the great audio/topic.
Thank you! Appreciate the work you do, SERE and otherwise. -Mike
Thank you for paying it forward through instructing at PJOC/APJOC. No Worries about us keeping K3’s memory alive, there are so many that he inspired and motivated, that’s taken care of 🙂
As for us, we will do what we can to support the Guardian Angle Platform that he loved so much.